Saturday, March 3, 2018


Russian President Vladimir Putin’s announcement on Thursday of major technological advances in nuclear weapons delivery systems appears to have caught the U.S. intelligence community unawares, reports Gilbert Doctorow.

You can read all about it @

What else did they miss?

  • Jap preparations for Pearl Harbor
  • the Cold War missile gap
  • the Tet Offensive
  • the collapse of the Soviet Union
  • the absence of any Iraqi WMDs
  • 9/11
  • and many others

Our "intelligence community" seems to be busy at only two things:

  1. cooking up lies to justify our next war(s), and
  2. undermining President Trump.

They are worthless and should be defunded. Their employees and contractors who committed crimes should be prosecuted.

1 comment:

  1. Here is a report about their war on Trump:
