Sunday, August 13, 2017

Guccifer Talks About Hillary's Server

Yes it's "old news", but it's still important:

Guccifer also expanded on his breach of Clinton’s server stating “everyone was inside it.”

“Look, about the server in Chappaqua, in New York state,” he said. “That server was scanned well before me. It was scanned 2012, from IP numbers in Serbia, Belgrade, it was scanned again in 2013 from IPs in Ukraine and Russia. The point is, somebody had mirrored, had copied, mirrored the whole server of Hillary Clinton, the question is how many countries. One, two or three? At one point, it was the whole server. I just think, I’m sure some people, I can say some people, I’m sure some people have the server contents.”

“It’s not the case that it was or it was not mirrored, her server,” he said. “The case is how many people did this. How many countries?

FBI Director James Comey denies that Guccifer ever hacked Clinton’s server despite outdated software and that the server was open to RDP and VNC connections which wouldn’t have even required any actual hacking, according to the Register.

You can read the rest @

Hillary Clinton's espionage appears to have caused ACTUAL DAMAGE to the security of the US. For Comey to lie to protect her makes him an accomplice to espionage. He also should be in jail. Mueller is investigating the wrong people.

The Clinton-Obama-FBI-CIA destabilization of the Trump administration is a desperate attempt to keep LOTS of people out of jail. And apparently it's working. This entire situation is so screwed up that almost no one is capable of sorting out what happened.

And that's a real shame. The swamp will NEVER be drained.

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