Saturday, October 1, 2016

Something To Think About

In a former life, I was an officer on a ballistic missile carrying submarine. At the time I never really put what I was doing in context, but I will attempt to do so now:

The Ohio class of submarine was designed, in the U.S. Navy's own words, as an "undetectable launch platform for intercontinental missiles." Indeed, each ballistic missile submarine in the Ohio class, such as the USS Rhode Island (shown), carries 24 Trident II nuclear missiles (SLBMs).

Each Trident II missile contains eight W88 warheads, all capable of individual targeting. W88 warheads have a yield of 475 kilotons -- nearly 30 times more powerful than the atomic blast that leveled Hiroshima in World War II.

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There are a total of 400 Trident II missiles currently carried by US and UK submarines. That's a total of 3200 warheads, each yielding 475 kilotons.

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Trident II is a "first strike" capable weapon, and these subs alone seem to be capable of destroying Russia or any other "enemy". Add all the US land-based and airborne nuclear weapons, and the US appears to be capable of destroying the entire world.

And you want to turn control of this arsenal over to Hillary Clinton? Or to Donald Trump?

Jeez Louise !!!

There are 3 countries which I think would consider conducting a nuclear first strike - US, Israel, and North Korea. The US has done it before, and if you listen to the rhetoric coming from the lunatics currently rattling their sabers in DC, it sure sounds like they're considering doing it again.

G-d help us.

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