Sunday, June 12, 2016

The Only Sane Choice We Have Left

Here is one author's recommendation - either accept the crappy choices the political establishment is offering us, or DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT:

*The US fails to meet the definition of election because electronic “voting” machines provide no evidence of people’s votes (there are a dozen or so other ways elections are stolen).

*Americans receive a non-choice between two tragic-comic non-leaders.

*Americans have the power and obligation to demand arrests of current .01% “leaders” for obvious crimes centering in war, money, and lies.

*Americans have access to powerful solutions for peace, economic prosperity, and truth. This section documents two simple and obvious reforms worth $1,000,000 for every US family.

You can read the rest @

We The People must arrest and punish US war criminals and financial manipulators, and NOT elect another one of them to the presidency.

I never thought I would say this, but electing Bernie Sanders as an independent is the only halfway-realistic sane choice we have left. The other two options we are being offered (Trump and Clinton) both would be catastrophic.

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