Saturday, August 8, 2015

The True Cost Of The War On Coal

Here is a well-crafted report laying out the deceptions inherent in Obama ad-Dajjal's climate change rules which attack the coal industry:

Coal powered electricity is currently by far the cheapest and one of the most reliable forms of electricity generation known to Man. To suggest that replacing this with intermittent wind and solar or carbon capture generation will somehow reduce American’s electricity bills is either delusional or plain stupid. Or is the intention to deliberately deceive?

You can read the rest @

The fact that electricity consumption has been flat since 2005 is consistent with the loss of over 1.4 million manufacturing jobs during that period. Increasing population (leading to higher domestic consumption of electricity) + flat overall consumption = only one conclusion, which is lower business-related consumption of electricity.

In the long run, the goal of Obama ad-Dajjal's new rules is to eliminate the carbon based units infecting North America (i.e., the human population, especially the useless eaters known as We The People).

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