Friday, August 7, 2015

State Dept. In Contempt Of Court ???

In a letter sent to the U.S. State Department and just filed today with U.S. federal Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, the counsel for Cheryl Mills wrote: “Ms. Mills does not believe that she has paper copies of potential records in her possession. Following our production on August 10, 2015 [of the defense counsel’s version of the electronic records], we have instructed her to delete any and all electronic records in her possession.” That is a far stretch from a statement by Ms. Mills under penalty of perjury, and she and her lawyers are planning to delete the emails Judge Sullivan wants produced?

Needless to say, Judicial Watch has made an emergency filing in Judge Sullivan’s court to stop the further destruction of evidence of what may very well be assorted criminal conduct and violations of numerous federal laws.

This all just surfaced in State Department’s status report filed today in response to Judge Sullivan’s order. Yesterday evening, State finally produced some correspondence between it and Hillary’s right and left hands—Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills. It has not produced its correspondence with Mrs. Clinton, and it is now clear that Mrs. Clinton, Ms. Abedin and Ms. Mills plan to thumb their noses at the Judge and the State Department. No one is “cooperating,” despite their empty rhetoric to the contrary.

The correspondence that has been produced verifies that the State Department itself has not been forthcoming with Judge Sullivan, with Congress, or with anyone else. It allowed Mrs. Clinton to use an off-the-grid system for her entire tenure in the Department, and it kept that startling fact a secret as long as possible. It is simply shocking that the State Department did not immediately inform Congress, the Court, and Judicial Watch that Mrs. Clinton operated solely on a private email server and that the State Department did not have her records. It took months even to discover those crucial facts. And as Judge Emmet G. Sullivan bores toward the truth, more revelations continue to surface.

It is especially telling that there was no Inspector General at the State Department while Mrs. Clinton led the department. That independent watchdog surely would have put a stop to such an illegal and unauthorized practice immediately. Obviously, that is why Mrs. Clinton didn’t allow an Inspector General. As soon as the Inspector General had the opportunity to review her first 40 emails, he immediately identified classified or sensitive information that should never have been outside the State’s secure channels.

You can read the rest @

I think all three of them should be held in contempt of court and jailed. And if and when the records are ever found, it's time for some RICO indictments.

Update: Five (yes 5) intelligence agencies now have to review Hillary's emails for classified information:

In addition to criminal penalties, she should be required to personally reimburse the government for the expense of these searches. After all, she appears to have intentionally subverted the records control process for personal reasons (e.g., to shield herself from prosecution).

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