Thursday, May 7, 2015

Will Evil Eventually Win ???

If you have been watching the TV show "Person of Interest", you will know that a malevolent AI appears to be winning out over a benevolent AI. The show is a perfect metaphor for what is happening in the USA and the world.

Although the USA has disguised itself as a "good" force in the world, that's all it is - a disguise.

A few people with bad intent were able to override everything which might have been "good" about the USA and replace it with the "Patriot Act" and other evil stuff.

And even now that courts have ruled that what our government is doing is illegal, the spying continues, faces are still pepper sprayed by police, and provocateurs still incite people to violence. There's nothing "good" about any of that.

It has been said that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. I think it's more complicated than that. Evil has a multitude of effective tools at its disposal, while good often comes to the battle unarmed. That's no way to win.

And that implies that the only way "good" can win is if G-d intervenes. And so far (at least lately), He hasn't.

If He doesn't, we're toast.

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