Thursday, May 7, 2015

Should We Hire Anonymous To Protect Us ???

NSA whistleblower William Binney suggests we should fire our intelligence agencies and hire Anonymous instead:

This is the objective of intelligence agencies that I worked in – predict intentions and capabilities in advance. I agree with my VIPS [i.e. Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity] associates, hire Anonymous and fire the bums we got including the intelligence committees and the FISC [U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court].

After all, when was the last time our “intelligence community” predicted anything like this in advance ???

That has been one of my points all along. FBI "surveillance", NSA spying, and CIA intelligence gathering and "analysis" have not predicted and halted ANYTHING in advance, with the exception of the sting operations initiated and coordinated by the FBI.

All those billion$ have been spent on NOTHING which benefits We The People.

The national security state apparatus, the deep state, and corporations appear to be the chief beneficiaries. Let THEM pay for this shit, and if any of it is illegal, put THEM and their CIA-FBI-NSA buddies in jail.

By the way, I have a question for the William Binneys and the Robert Oppenheimers of the world - "Why don't you blow the whistle and stop work on the project BEFORE you finish creating things which threaten to destroy mankind?" Can't you see that the potential for evil in this kind of stuff ALWAYS outweighs the potential for good?

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