Thursday, March 19, 2015

Apocalyptic Logic

Here is an essay in Der Spiegel which discusses the "apocalyptic logic" of ISIS:

A more accurate term to use would be "end times logic".

All three major religions of the Middle East have "end times" prophecies and logic. And all three are now living them out, whether we want to believe it or not.

The key question in all of this is "when will G-d intervene and HOW will He intervene"?

No one knows the "when" but there are three competing versions of "how", all of which assume G-d's help in one form or another:

  • Jewish answer - a human messiah defeats the enemies of Israel, rebuilds the temple, and rules the world from Jerusalem
  • Christian answer - a divine Jesus Christ defeats the wicked and rules the world from a new Jerusalem which comes down from heaven
  • Muslim answer - a human Mahdi and a human Jesus who descends from heaven defeat the Crusaders and the Jews and rule the world from Jerusalem

The direction things now seem to be going is that Muslim endtimers and Christian endtimers are going to battle each other to a bitter conclusion, leaving the Jewish endtimers to rule the world. This is, in fact, what some Muslim and Christian end times scholars are predicting ... and it is a result consistent with the Torah and Bible:

Observation: If G-d is not involved in any of this, then why are we letting it happen? If G-d is involved, then who other than Satan dares to get in His way?

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