Monday, November 24, 2014

Nuke Admiral Fired For Cheating At Poker ???

Here is one of the most ridiculous news stories I have ever read:

It is essential that generals, admirals, and others who control our nuclear weapons be honest people. But let's compare this guy to Obama ad-Dajjal:
  • Barack uses someone else's Social Security Number (which may be a felony);
  • Barack apparently is not a legal citizen of the United States (never having renounced his Indonesian citizenship);
  • Barack obviously either lied on his college entrance applications (by representing himself as a "foreign student"), or lied on his US electoral declarations (by representing himself as a natural born citizen); and
  • Barack frequently violates his oath of office to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and to take care that the laws are faithfully executed.

So ... an admiral gets fired for passing fake poker chips, but a fraudulent President continues to have the authority to actually launch nuclear weapons?

WTF ???

By the way, while in the Navy I served with an Executive Officer who was a known card cheat. He was an otherwise standup guy who on more than one occasion saved our ship and her crew.

Cheating at cards is one thing, but a life of lying and cheating is something else entirely.

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