Tuesday, November 4, 2014

How To Stop Ebola

Here is a lengthy report from National Geographic which lists four key lessons from the two countries (Senegal and Nigeria) which have successfully halted the spread of Ebola virus disease:

1. Trace, isolate, and treat.

2. Detect early, before lots of people can be exposed.

3. Strong leadership is essential.

4. The public needs to be part of the solution.


We are failing on No. 1 and No. 3 and appear to be weak on No. 4.

No. 1 requires tracing all the people who could have caught the disease, isolating them so they can't pass it on to others, and treating them quickly if they do develop symptoms. The US is NOT isolating all the people who could have caught the disease (the rebellious nurse in Maine is a prime example of our failure to do this).

No. 3 requires a lot more than Obama ad-Dajjal and his invisible "Ebola Czar" have done so far. In addition to their apparent weak leadership regarding EVD, Obama ad-Dajjal and his minions have a lot of explaining to do concerning why they imported a paralyzing virus disease into perhaps every state in the nation:


And No. 4 also may fail in the US if the government keeps treating We The People as if we are nothing more than fearful morons whose concerns can be met with little more than government and MSM demands that we shut up. And if the government and MSM are actually hiding potential cases, how can the public possibly help if we don't know what the heck is going on?




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