Thursday, October 2, 2014

Lost Rights And Bizarre Rights

You don't have a fundamental right of access to water, but some people do have a right to freely enter the US even if they're coming from a country experiencing the most severe Ebola outbreak in history.

You don't have a fundamental right of access to food, but your government has the right to bomb granaries in Syria to keep "terrorists" from eating or profiting from the grain stored in them.

Your government apparently now has a fundamental right to spy on you, but if you record a policeman beating someone that's "illegal wiretapping".

Journalists have a fundamental right to freedom of the press, but the First Lady apparently has the right to prevent journalists from talking to people at her meetings. She also has the right to put them on the BOLO list if they conduct a silent protest at one of her speeches.

You have a right to freedom of speech, but the government can restrict your exercise of that right to a "free speech area" cordoned off from the rest of the world and thoroughly monitored by the thought police.

You have a right to freedom of religion, but Satan worshippers receive equal access to your children's souls.

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