Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Canadian Police Now Imitating US

Here's what really happened the other day in Canada:

The Quebec Police in Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu were chasing a 25-year old businessman, Couture Rouleau. His car hit two men in a parking lot, who happen to be soldiers. One died. With the cops in hot pursuit, his car flipped over near the Canadian Forces Base. Witnesses saw him crawl out with his hands up. They said they heard on the police radio, “Make sure he’s dead!” The cops shot him 7 times.

Shortly after, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced in Parliament that the man had been radicalized and could have been “engaged in a terrorist act”. The mainstream media quickly blasted the story criminalizing Rouleau. It was in fact murder by the cops on speculation.

Note well that Canada's MSM did not accept their government's slander of Rouleau, while the US MSM bought it hook, line, and sinker.

But now that there has also been a shooting, I would expect the Canadian MSM will rally around their government:

There's nothing like a terror incident (real or bogus) when it comes to scaring the hell out of people.

Update: Official reports contradict what CENSORED NEWS said about Couture Rouleau. I have no idea which source is correct.

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