Monday, September 1, 2014

Let Them Eat The Rich !!!

Here is a very worthwhile critique of the US non-economy and the American nightmare:

For decades the American middle class bought into a plethora of Ayn Rand-inspired notions regarding their economic strategy. Keep your head down, plow money into your 401K and get to work on time. If you did these things, you could count on Wall Street money shufflers and their corporate “job creator” tentacles to lift your little life raft with their graft-ridden blood-soaked tide.

It was a formula predicated on endless resource wars in faraway lands, a necessary scorn for the poor, an infatuation with the wealthy and the shutting down of one’s humanity.

Reinforced by a barrage of propaganda from corporate media, the sharecropper climbers embraced their treadmill, sure that one day they would reap the spoils of the class war which the bankers have waged against workers for centuries.

The price of admission to this fairy tale was steep - they checked their souls at the door. They were no different than those corrupt Congressmen they loved to bash before promptly re-electing, no different from the suits at Goldman Sachs who made a living destroying countries with 401K proceeds. They were bought and paid for. They were part of the problem.

Unemployment and underemployment are chronic. Poverty is at its highest level since 1993. Unions have never been weaker. Concentration of economic power continues at record levels. Not content with the Henry Ford model of capitalism – pay your workers a decent wage and they will be able to buy your product – a new class of parasitic financiers has emerged.

They make their living not by creating jobs, but by destroying them. They hold no loyalty to country, moving their sweat shops to China and their money to Dubai or Switzerland. They justify their greed through fronts like the Tea Party, which spews out all manner of tired Frederick Hayek, Chicago-school dogma – deployed since their guru Reagan began gutting this country’s economy for his bankster directors.

Any sentient being, having done such grave harm to others, would say they were sorry. Instead, these psychopaths blame the other guy and continue to push their failed dogma. The race to the bottom is nearly run.

One cannot compromise with village idiots. Throw an insane person a bone and they will chew off your leg. A deep-seated self-hatred – encouraged by their trillionaire banker handlers – drives these emotional infants to Puritanical notions that We the People don’t deserve a good life. We deserve suffering, sacrifice and hardship, just like Big Daddy IMF says.

And that is exactly where we are headed.

Eat the Rich!

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