Thursday, September 4, 2014

Further Evidence The ISIS Beheadings Are A Hoax

I previously suggested that the beheading of two journalists by ISIS was a hoax:

Evidence has now come to light which strongly suggests that I was right:

Barfi’s role as “spokesperson” of the Sotloff family vis-à-vis his links to New America, Brookings, Atlantic Media, and CNN are left entirely unexamined by the same corporate media outlets vigorously promoting the supposed Foley and Sotloff beheadings as genuine. Such propaganda efforts are paving the road toward renewed Western intervention in the region, and perhaps even the supreme casus belli —another staged attack on US soil on or around the thirteenth anniversary of 9/11.

This is starting to smell like the Kuwaiti incubator hoax, the yellowcake hoax, the Iraq WMD hoax, the Iran WMD hoax, and all the rest of the bullshit Israel and her provocateurs have been feeding us.

Remember when I asked why NetanYahoo wasn't worried?

Perhaps this is why: they're dragging us into another ruinous war, and they figure we'll forget all about their genocide of the Palestinians once it starts.

Update: Here is another report suggesting that Sotloff's "beheading" was faked:

I do agree with at least one thing: until we see a body and verify by DNA testing that it is Sotloff's, we have no proof that he is dead.

And take a look at this "report" which compares the two alleged beheading videos:

Take note that the "analysts" make no mention of any attempt to determine if the videos are genuine, including no stress analysis of the victims' voices which might determine if they thought they were about to die or were just reading a script they were given knowing it was all a hoax.

This is the typical Western "intelligence" investigation: Jump to a conclusion and then spend weeks backing it up and discrediting or destroying all evidence that you may be wrong and/or lying.

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