Saturday, September 6, 2014

Barbaric ISIS v. Barbaric USA

Please read these descriptions of the barbaric practices of both ISIS and the USA:

ISIS - [This is just one example; you can find others on the Internet.]

USA - [This index provided by Chris Floyd has both a description of US barbaric practices in Fallujah and links to videos and other sites.]

In addition, I have compiled a short list of reports of weapons testing by the US and her client state Israel on the peoples of Iraq and Gaza:

Now tell me (if you can) whether ISIS or the US is the more barbaric group, and which (if either) has the higher moral standing? Be honest (if you can). I know it's difficult after listening to years if not decades of propaganda and lies.

The entire world is descending into barbarity, and the US has been in the lead of this movement for quite some time.

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