Saturday, August 9, 2014

Proof That OKC Bombing Was An Inside Job

Please listen to the hour long interview embedded on this web page:

If your time is limited, listen to this part - 38:15 to 42:45 - in which is presented eyewitness testimony that the Murrah Building was wired with explosives inside the building in locations to which Tim McVeigh did not have access on the morning of the bombing.

Also of note is the description of how the witnesses were silenced - by threatening to put them in a mental institution. This is how some of the JFK murder witnesses and Watergate witnesses were silenced as well (refer to JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters and Silent Coup: The Removal of a President for the details). For those of you who can remember, this is how the Soviets supposedly dealt with their dissidents.

The US government is evil incarnate. If you don't want to believe it, you don't have to. But that makes you an accomplice after the fact, doesn't it? And because we don't want to believe or for some other reason do nothing, the crimes just go on and on and on:

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