Saturday, August 9, 2014

Organized Community Defense Is Our Last Hope

According to this author, we need to be fighting back against what "our" government is doing:

When people ask me for solutions to the collapse of America, often they are looking for a predetermined top-down magic bullet response. There is no such thing, nor will there ever be. There is no scenario in which we will escape unscathed. There is no cartoon-land happy ending at the finale of this story.

The “solution,” as it were, is ultimately something that many do not want to hear about; namely, hard work, sacrifice and a willingness to put everything on the line for the future. Our only advantage is that we still have some time, and any time is better than no time. What we have left must be used now to the greatest effect possible by organizing together for self reliance and security during collapse.

He's right. And this is why Obama ad-Dajjal, the community disorganizer, was allowed to become our President. By keeping us fighting among ourselves, he makes organized community defense difficult if not impossible.

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