Thursday, July 3, 2014

Nuclear Power Is A Crazy Idea

I worked in the nuclear industry for 25 years. I was in the nuclear navy, worked for all the major nuclear steam supply system companies, many of the nuclear technical service companies, and even for the so-called Department of Energy (which at the time made more nuclear bomb materials than electric power).

Believe me when I say that nuclear power was and still is a crazy idea. Nuclear power plants are not designed or built to be safe ... they are defined to be safe by criteria that are manipulated as the industry and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission see fit. Any resurgence of nuclear power in the United States would be insane.

Articles like this one about a nuclear startup company are in my view quite deceptive; they mimic the early claim that nuclear energy would be "too cheap to meter":

Not mentioned in the article is the fact that any and all fusion technologies will produce prodigious amounts of radioactive material and irradiated structures which will cost megabucks in perpetuity to "control" and "safely store", if such things are truly possible.

Don't fall for this crap again. No more nukes.

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