Monday, July 7, 2014

If You're Reading This, The NSA Is Probably Already Following You

Good followup essay to Snowden's latest revelations about what NSA really does:

Note well that in spite of all these revelations and the so-called "surprise" and "outrage" which accompanies them, nothing has changed.

Nothing is going to change, either. "Your" government is more interested in protecting itself than in protecting you.

Q: Does "your" government really serve your best interests?

A: I think most people would answer "no".

Q: Then why is it still "your" government? Isn't this a democracy?

A: ... all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
Thomas Jefferson

We're like the boiling frog. They're turning up the heat ever so slowly, keeping the endless train of evils "sufferable" until the shackles and chains are firmly in place and it's too late. You've got to hand it to the rich: they seldom bloody their own hands, but they sure know how to hire the best torturers and killers, don't they?

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