Thursday, April 3, 2014

CIA Torture and the Threat of Dictatorship

Here is an excellent essay from the World Socialist Web Site on the CIA and torture:

Only one conclusion can be drawn from the report published in the Washington Post Tuesday giving grisly details of CIA torture of prisoners and systematic lying by government officials to cover it up: the US ruling elite as a whole is guilty of war crimes for which it must be held accountable.

The Post report, based on leaks from unnamed “US officials,” describes the findings of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation into the operation of CIA “black sites”—the secret prisons in Afghanistan, Poland, Romania, Thailand and other countries where prisoners were held for “interrogation,” i.e., waterboarding, sleep deprivation, beatings, stress positions, induced hypothermia and other forms of torture.

If you believe the lies known as the official conspiracy theory of 9/11, you may believe that such torture was justified. However, if you believe in the rule of law and in human rights, then you know that it was not.

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